Celebrate new beginnings.
Meet theGraduates
crystal Bell
When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we both become wiser, more inclusive, and better as an organization.
– Pat Wadors
Kira Brandt
The essence of Interior Design will always be about the people and how they live. – Albert Hadley
Beth Brown
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney
Emera Howden-Gareau
Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do. – Marco Bizzarri
Zoë Macdonald
Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth.
– Jesse Jackson
Megan McNeil
Love color, take risks, stay curious.
– Kelly Wearstler
Kindi Mimeault
If you don’t have a plan for inclusivity your plan is to be exclusive. – Catrice M. Jackson
Shelley Paulus
A world where everyone feels welcome is one I want to help design. – Shelley Paulus
Julia Procinsky
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. – Walt Disney
Farhoud Rahimi
With a creative mind in art, unique impossible designs become a reality. – Farhoud Rahimi
Shirley Shi
There is a “beauty” where every story is born. We encounter it, are touched by it, our hearts ripple, and a new story is born.
Mariane Sumugat
Inclusivity is the concept of respecting every individual’s opinions, strengths, weaknesses, racial background, mobility, and any form of self-identification.
– Mariane Sumugat
Maggie Timmer
Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. We attain unity only through variety. Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed. – Mary Parker Follett
Yen Nhi Tran (Jenny Tran)
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. – Albert Einstein.
Solveig Watkins
Beauty can spontaneously occur at any moment given the proper circumstances, context, or point of view. – Leonard Koren
Carmella Yu
If you don’t have a plan for inclusivity your plan is to be exclusive. – Catrice M. Jackson